Senin, 09 Mei 2016

How to Care for Kittens from Birth - Nurturing Newborn Kittens

You're probably anxiously awaiting the day when your cat gives birth to a litter of kittens. However, the excitement may quickly wear off once you realize that you're responsible for several vulnerable kittens and a new mother. If you have no idea where to begin, start by nurturing the newborns and learning how to care for them as they grow.

1. Watch for problems during labor. Watch the mother (queen) cat during labor, but give her space. Her instinct will kick in and she won't need you to be part of labor and delivery. Instead, you'll need to watch and ensure that nothing goes wrong medically. Here are things to look for:[1]
- The kitten is not freed from the birth sac: The kittens usually emerge in individual birth sacs that the mother then licks away. If she doesn't clean it away or rejects the kitten, you may need to take a soft towel and gently rub off the sac. If in doubt, give the mother a little time to tend to the kitten before doing this or she may reject the kitten.
- The mother is pushing hard for more than 20 minutes: This is a sign she is having difficulty birthing. Have a quick peek to see if a kitten is half out. If so, hold the kitten with a soft, clean towel and gently pull backwards and downwards. If the kitten doesn't come out easily then call the vet. Likewise, if you see nothing, call the vet.
- The kitten doesn't suckle after one hour: Most kittens suckle within an hour or two of being born. If this doesn't happen, gently place the kitten by the mother's teats which helps the kitten get the scent of milk. If after half an hour the kitten still isn't suckling, gently open the kitten's mouth and latch him onto a nipple to suckle. If after that the kitten doesn't feed, then you might need to hand raise the kitten.

2. Make the mother cat comfortable after labor. Since the mother cat will be primarily caring for the kittens during the first four weeks of their lives, ensure she has everything she needs. The mother will most likely choose a nesting spot where you can make her comfortable. Put a box with some clean, dry bedding in the room and keep the temperature roughly the same temperature you would feel comfortable in wearing jeans and a T-shirt. You should also make sure the mother and kittens have private time away from a steady stream of visitors, which could make her feel threatened.[2]
- Room temperature is important. Too hot and the mother will become distressed, but too cold and the kittens risk hypothermia. Newborn kittens cannot regulate their body temperatures and depend on the mother to stay warm.

3. Give the mother cat nutritious food. The mother will double her food intake after labor, so give plenty of high quality food and continue supplementing her with vitamins and minerals.[3] Kitten food is ideal as it is higher calorie than regular food and has added vitamins and minerals. Avoid giving her milk to drink, since it could give her diarrhea. Place food and water close to her nesting place so she won't have to leave her kittens. You should also put a litter box within sight of the nest so can relieve herself and stay close to the kittens.[4]
- Kittens are born deaf and blind. Their most developed sense is smell which they use to find their mother's milk.

4. Set out kitten food. While there are many ways to wean a kitten (changing them from mother's milk to solid food), the easiest way is to let the kittens follow the mother's lead. They'll generally do this from the age of four weeks on. You can help by setting out kitten food for the mother. The kittens may only appear curious at first, but as they burn more energy, they'll begin eating the food. The kittens may find it easier to start eating soft food, such as canned kitten food.[5]
- The mother will encourage weaning by cutting back on nursing sessions. This will motivate the kittens to begin eating solid foods.

5. Put out a litter box. As they get older, the kittens will begin to move, explore, play, and stray from the nest. Now is a good time to set out a large, low-sided litter tray. Show the kittens where it is to prevent future toileting accidents. It may help to have the mother poop in the tray (or set some of her poop in the tray). This will signal to the kittens that the tray is the toileting place.[6]
- Never use clumping cat litter. If the kitten investigates the litter and swallows some, the litter can clump within the gut causing a blockage.

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