Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

How to Care for Newborn Kittens - Feeding

Caring for newborn kittens is hard work. They require attention and care around the clock. If you have recently taken in some newborn kittens, you will have your work cut out for you. If the mother cat is still in the picture, she can provide most of the kittens’ needs herself. You can support her by feeding her and leaving the kittens alone during their first week of life. If the mother cat is not around or not able to care for her babies, then you will have to take over her responsibilities. This will include feeding the kittens, keeping the kittens warm, and even helping the kittens go to the bathroom.

1. Consider the situation. The care that you give some newborn kittens will depend on a few things: the kittens’ ages, whether or not the mother cat is still caring for the kittens, and how healthy the kittens are. If you find a litter of kittens that have been separated from their mother, then you will need to provide the things a mother cat would, such as food, warmth, and help with toileting. Take some time to consider the situation before you start caring for the kittens.[1]
- If you find some kittens that you think have been abandoned or separated from their mother, observe them from a distance of about 35 feet to see if the mother cat returns.
- If the kittens are in immediate danger, then you will need to intervene without waiting for the mother cat to return. For example, you should intervene immediately if the kittens are in danger of freezing from the cold, left in a place that they might get run over or stepped on, or in an area where dogs might harm them.[2]

2. Get help from your veterinarian or local animal shelter. Do not feel like you need to provide care for these kittens all by yourself. Caring for newborn kittens is a difficult job and you may not have everything you need to ensure their survival. Contact your local veterinarian or animal shelter for assistance. They may be able to provide a surrogate mother to help the kittens get proper nutrition or they may be able to help you with bottle feeding.[3]

3. Provide food for the mother cat if she is still around. If the mother cat is still present and caring for her kittens, then the kittens will be better off if you let their mother take care of them. But you can still help by providing food and shelter for the mother cat. Just make sure that you keep the food and shelter in separate areas or she may not accept either.[4]

4. Feed the kittens. If the mother cat is not around or is unable to care for her kittens, you will need to prepare their food for them and feed them yourself. The type of food that you prepare for the kittens will depend on how old they are. Make sure that you ask your veterinarian about any special feeding needs your kittens may have.[5]
- When the kittens are 1-2 weeks old, bottle feed the kittens every 1-2 hours with a commercial milk replacer formula. Do not give cow’s milk to the kittens because it is too hard for them to digest.
- When the kittens are 3-4 weeks old, provide formula in a shallow dish as well as some kitten food that has been softened with water. Offer these foods 4-6 times per day.
- When the kittens are 6-12 weeks old, decrease the amount of formula that you offer them and begin to give them dry kitten food. Offer these foods 4 times per day.

5. Weigh the kittens once per week. To make sure that the kittens are getting proper nutrition and putting on weight, you will need to weigh the kittens once per week and keep a record of their weights. Kittens should gain about 1 ¾ to 3 ½ ounces per week. Talk your veterinarian if you are concerned that the kittens are not gaining weigh fast enough.[6]

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