Senin, 09 Mei 2016

How to Care for Your Cat's Coat - Getting Rid of Fleas

1. Look closely. Note any signs of movement on your cat’s fur or any changes in behavior, like frequent scratching. These and other factors can signal that he has a case of fleas.[17]
- Flea bites feel itchy. A cat with fleas may scratch or bite at its coat frantically in an effort to get relief.
- Your cat might also groom more than usual, show hair loss, act agitated or restless, or have red lesions or bumps (bites marks).
- Fleas also leave feces, which will look like black pepper corns in your cat’s coat.

2. Comb your cat with a fine-toothed comb. Find a metal, fine-toothed comb and slowly work your way through the cat’s coat. The combing will weed out fleas and relieve the cat’s itching somewhat.[18]
- The comb treatment will remove many of the fleas and their eggs. Dip the comb into a bowl of soapy water as you go, to get rid of them.
- Repeat the treatment in the following days until the animal is no longer infested.

3. Wash the fleas away. Another option is to give your cat a bath and to flush the fleas out of the coat. Proceed like you are giving the animal a normal bath, but use a shampoo that repels fleas.[19]
- Fill a basin with a couple of inches of cool, soothing water and place the cat in it.
- Apply a shampoo, ideally one that is known to repel fleas like cedar, eucalyptus, lavender, or citrus.
- Some people also think that apple cider vinegar is effective in getting rid of fleas.[20]
- Comb the cat with a flea comb after the bath and repeat the process daily until the fleas are gone.

4. Use spot treatment medication. Spot-on flea meds are pesticides and should get rid of a pesky flea infestation. Since cats clean themselves by licking, they are safer than sprays or dusts that have to be applied to the whole body.[21]
- Talk to your vet about spot-on products. She will be able to advise you and maybe provide a brand like Frontline, Advantage, and Stronghold/Resolution.
- Ask for instructions about how to use the product – where to put it, how often to apply it, and how much to use.

5. Prevent future infestations. You cat is normal, healthy, and happy. Why worry about fleas or other parasites? Well, even a healthy cat can become a host. There are steps you can take to protect him from a future infestation, however.
- Give him periodic flea baths. There are medically treated shampoos that either kill or repel fleas on contact. You’ll have to re-bathe him about every two weeks.[22]
- Get your cat dewormed, as well. Fleas are natural carriers of tapeworms. Your cat can easily swallow a flea infected with a tapeworm larva and end up with a bad case of worms.[23]
- Clean your house and carpet, especially if you are dealing with case of fleas. Vacuum the floors, carpets, and furniture every day and wash sheets, fabrics, and covers that the pet touches at least once a week, in hot water.[24]

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