Senin, 09 Mei 2016

How to Make Your Cat Love You - Caring For Your Cat

1. Keep your cat out of danger. If your cat is safe and protected, it will love you more. Ensure your cat has a safe place to sleep, feels secure while toileting, has unobstructed access to food, and is not threatened by other human or animal members of the household.
- Ensure that your cat cannot access poisonous substances.
- Keep your pantry and cupboard doors closed, as cats are curious animals and they may get into trouble.
- Outfit your cat with a collar with a quick release buckle (in case he gets stuck) that includes contact information in case it runs away.

2. Feed your cat according to a schedule. Cats are creatures of habit. Don't change their feeding times drastically or very often. When cats do something good try to reward them with a treat, but don't let this interfere with their main meal. To get your cat to love you more, avoid frequently changing the type or brand of food they eat.
- Cats can be perfectly healthy eating dry food, canned food, or a combination of both. [8]
- Most experts recommend feeding your cat no more than two meals a day. In industrialized countries, one in five cats is obese, which can cause serious health problems. [9]

3. Don't neglect your cat! When leaving home, make sure your cat has enough food and access to fresh water. If away from home for an extended period, ensure that someone keeps an eye on your cat's well-being, cleans its litter, and provides some stimulation. A neglected cat will not love you.
- While cats are fairly independent creatures, they also need human attention and regular grooming.
- If going on vacation, consider a cattery or pet sitter.

4. Clean litter boxes regularly. Cats love cleanliness; if their litter box is dirty they may find somewhere else to go. Add fresh litter daily. Wash out the box with soap and water routinely. [10]
- Don't suddenly change a cat's type or brand of litter.
- When switching to a new brand of litter, gradually introduce it by mixing the new and the old.

5. Brush your cat often. They love it! Regular brushing will keep their coats and skin healthy, prevent matting, and reduce shedding and hairballs. Grooming is a great chance to discover lumps, fleas, or injuries. Also use brushing as an opportunity to bond with your cat. [11]
- Avoid brushing your cat against the grain of its fur; this may cause discomfort and stress.
- Remember to brush gently in long strokes rather than in short, rough strokes.

6. Play with your cat. It will love simple and inexpensive toys -- try using a toy attached to string to simulate prey animals. Make toys scurry like a rodent, or flutter like a bird. Your cat will playfully pounce on toys you move in front of them. Cats love owners that stimulate them through play.
- Encourage your cat to pounce on toys, not your hand!

7. Invest in a scratching-post. Cats are naturally inclined to scratch surfaces in your home, such as furniture. But they can be trained to scratch specific objects, particularly posts fitted with rough surfaces such as dense carpet or sisal. Your cat will love you better if it has access to appropriate scratching areas in your home. [12]

8. Consider purchasing or building a “cat tree” or “kitty condo,” which doubles as a scratching-post and a play structure. They will love climbing and playing on this kind of structure.

9. Utilize your cat's 'cupboard love' tendencies. Many cats prefer the person who feeds them to others in the home. If there is more than one person in your house, try to be the person who feeds the cat. The cat will get used to this and come to you straight away if hungry or it's time for dinner.
- One of the best ways to get a cat to love you is through its stomach!

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