Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

How to Cool Your Cat Down in the Summer - Helping Your Cat Cool Down

1. Allow your cat to be sedentary on hot days. Now is not the time to play energetic games with the cat. Chasing after a laser pointer or a wing-on-a-string is definitely out. Instead, encourage the cat to rest and take it easy. Muscular activity generates heat, which the cat doesn't not need on top of the already hot conditions.[7]

2. Make sure that your cat has access to shade. Take sensible precautions such as ensuring the cat has access to shade when outside, and does not have to stay in the full sun. This could be the shade form a tree or bush, or a garden umbrella. If your cat is indoors, make sure that she is not restricted to a room with lots of bright sunlight and that she can rest out of the glare of the sunshine.[8]
- If you have an outdoor cat, make sure that you check any outdoor buildings and greenhouses before closing the doors. The building could become very hot and your cat could die as a result if he or she were to be locked inside.

3. Cool down your cat with damp towels. Most cats do not like getting wet, but you can at help them to cool off a little with dampened towels. Simply dampen a cloth with cool water and gently stroke your cat with the cloth or towel from the top of its head and down the back.
- If the cat is very hot, gently wipe her with a wet towel as often as she will tolerate.

4. Brush your cat daily. Matted fur traps heat; ensuring that the fur is not matted and allows air to flow through it will help to keep your cat cool. This is especially important for long-haired breeds of cats.
- Get into the routine of combing and brushing your cat during the coolest part of the day before she gets hot, such as first thing in the morning. She will be more willing to cooperate if she isn't already feeling cranky because of the heat.
- Avoid shaving your cat to the skin as this will expose your cat to the sun and can result in sunburn and risks skin cancer.
- Although it seems bizarre to wear a thick fur coat on a hot day, experts now believe the fur keeps heat out in the summer, as well as in during the winter. Thus shaving the coat may not help kitty to stay cool.
- However, if the coat is severely matted or tangled, it forms a shell over the cat's body. This shell means the coat doesn't work how it is meant to and so getting a professional to shave the coat is the best idea

5. Create a cool retreat. You can help your cat cool down by making a cool, dark spot for her to retreat to when she gets too hot. Just place a cardboard box on its side and put it somewhere that is quiet and out of the way, such as in a closet, behind a chair, or near a cool spot in the house. Line it with a terry towel or other cool cotton fabric. Stick an ice pack inside a sock and place it into the retreat underneath the towel for an added cooling effect.[9]
- Another good idea is to place towels or sheets over your cat's favorite spots. Doing so will create a cool barrier between your cat’s fur and warmer surfaces.

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